rentry urls are like nfts for mentally ill people i think
- avris
- devolution
- lolar
- lofaf
- lopah
- lomax
- lotak
- lowaa
- halstrider
- 134340pluto
- somethingisntright
- weird-al
- oingo-boingo
- electricsix
- affective
- jack-stauber
- derspit
- krait
- aspects
- redistribute
- skeelo
- aesoprock
- aquaries
- rustblooded
- limeblooded
- mutantblooded
- jadebloods
- ceruleanblooded
- indigoblooded
- subjuggulator
- fuschiablooded
- cuspblood
- orchestralintro
- wttwotpb
- w2tpb
- white-flag
- superfast
- empire-ants
- somekindofnature
- melancholy-hill
- plastic-beach
- to-binge
- piratejet
- kurloz-makara
- musickin
- excavator
- reconciler
- revealer
- unmapped
- streetwise
- concise
- anarchic
- canny
- unbridled
- informer
- consoler
- mover
- emphatic
- trusted
- flexible
- redemptive
- abiding
- liable
- networker
- absolver
- alleviator
- builder
- lofty
- biblichor
- asking
- knowing
- birdhouse
- heir-of-breath
- maid of time
- prince-of-hope
- knight-of-blood
- prince-of-heart
- page-of-hope
- theif-of-heart
- thedisciple
- orphanerdualscar
- thesignless
- eridans
- splinters
- talking-heads
- tavvy
- erisolsprite2
- classes
- thief-of-time
- skee-lo
- hiphopped
- aquarist
- bronzeblooded
- candy-red
- culled
- tealblooded
- ceruleanbloods
- purpleblooded
- violetbloods
- fuschiabloods
- grubbles
- orchestral-intro
- welcome to the plastic beach
- rhinestone-eyes
- superfastjellyfish
- glitterfreeze
- skon
- on-melancholy-hill
- brokengorillaz
- cloudofunknowing
- pirate-jet
- horuss-zahhak
- pseudonyms
- heedless
- impetuous
- gratified
- convalescent
- shipwright
- perspicacious
- temperer
- vehement
- constrained
- commiserator
- vociferous
- pliant
- polished
- migrant
- stringent
- roborant
- adaptable
- dismantler
- mutineer
- uniter
- nascent
- bardic
- eighties
- heatandclockwork
- turntech-godhead
- timaeus-testified
- turingtested
- thetheseus
- headgame
- uglystory
- will-wood
- dirk-strider
- dropout
- mallon
- 2ollux
- caligulas-aquarium
- ult-dirk
- tuna
- spritesquared
- timebound
- sprite2
- vast error
- hailmarymallon
- waterbreather
- swims
- goldblooded
- redblooded
- oliveblooded
- tealbloods
- indigobloods
- purplebloods
- fuschiablood
- cusp
- thegrubbles
- welcome to the world of the plastic beach
- stylos
- superfast-jellyfish
- glitter-freeze
- some-kind-of-nature
- broken-gorillaz
- sweepstakes-
- gorillazbroken
- cloud-of-unknowing
- zahhak-
- ruf10h
- headstrong
- visualizer
- skydiver
- covetous
- unfledged
- sapient
- uproarious
- prudent
- striking
- tumultuous
- reliever
- advancer
- staunch
- provident
- deliberate
- inexhaustible
- accountable
- circumscribed
- abider
- deviser
- empirical
- tenable
- journeyman